
Yuqi (Yuki) Li - Founder & CEO


In short: A boyfriend who used to make his girlfriend mad by taking bad photos but not anymore; a big-time fan of learning photography; a business buddy and tech nerd; a current Alexa SDE; ex-YC China; ex-CEO of an MLOps startup; ex-Nvidia; UWaterloo undergrad; CMU master (dropped).


nice photo.jpg

Cheng (Bill) Chi - Founder & CTO

Website: Cheng's Website (

In short: A boyfriend who used to make his girlfriend mad by taking bad photos and still does so; Reinforcement learning researcher; 1st / 2nd authors in Nature, NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML; Bloomberg Quant; U of T master;

Nicholas Cheng - Founder & CMO


In short: A boyfriend who takes great photos from his photography experience, but understands the pain of having to learn the technicalities behind the art; Professional photographer and video producer; prominent clients include Samsung, Hewlett Packard, and Keppel. National University of Singapore Undergrad, NOC.

How we got together

Yuqi <> Bill

Hey there, I'm Yuqi. So, here's the scoop: When Bill and I first crossed paths, I had been with Amazon for a short six months after my Aipaca adventure wrapped up. My mind was buzzing with plans for my next big thing, so I was scoping out potential partners through conferences, events, networking - you name it. Then, through a buddy of his from his soccer crew, Bill caught wind of me. We hit each other up on the phone the very same day, and failed in love. We were totally vibing and started hanging out. In between laughs and lattes, we’d throw around 20+ startup ideas. We’d rate each one like it’s an episode of “Rate My Startup Idea” on speed, how big a deal the problem was, how painful it is, how massive the market was, what kind of competition we’d face, and of course, how jazzed up it got us. Lookr was like the golden ticket that we both knew had the mojo.”